Medicare Advantage Supplemental Benefits
Find out what’s new with Medicare Advantage plans in 2020.
Read our analysis of the latest updates from Medicare Advantage plan issuers and learn how the recent expansion of supplemental benefits could affect your plan coverage.
While payers may want to offer more creative benefits, they are operating with limited budgets. Regulations may have loosened, but the way rebates are granted to payers has not changed.
In this white paper, we will be discussing:
- The Impact on Star Ratings
- Exploring the Solutions to Improving the Star Rating Challenge
- Our Prediction of Market Developments to Address the Star Rating Challenge
Download the Medicare Advantage Supplemental Benefits Whitepaper
Exploring the True Impact of Expanding MA Supplemental Benefits
While payers may want to offer more creative benefits, they are operating with limited budgets.
Star Ratings: Overview, Challenges & Solutions
Star Ratings are scores that indicate how well plans are performing. A higher Star Rating creates more rebate dollars for the plan. The more rebate dollars a plan receives, the more or better benefits a payer can offer in the future. We’ve included some of the Star Rating categories used to grade plans and companies that help payers offer improved benefits.
Solving the Star Rating Challenge
To increase their rebate dollars, some payers are beginning to invest in solutions that help increase Star Rating scores. In some cases, these solutions may also positively impact other key measures such as member recruitment. In the whitepaper, you’ll find the Star Rating categories used to grade plans and companies that help payers offer extended supplemental benefits.
Prediction of Market Developments
In the whitepaper, the Star Rating challenge is given an investment opportunity rating of either high, medium or low. We’ll predict future market developments that address the Star Rating challenge and provide recommendations for investment opportunities. We’ll explain the rationale behind our predictions for market development the recommendations for investment opps.
Want to learn more about Medicare Advantage Supplemental Benefits?
Download the white paper to read the full report.