10 Virtual Healthcare Conferences & Webinars to Attend Summer 2020
One of the most popular ways for professionals to continue learning and expanding their business relationships is through conferences. However, with COVID-19 inhibiting the flexibility of travel and limiting the number of people gathered in a room, conferences traditionally held in person have either been rescheduled or pushed to a virtual platform.
While this new format can be a bit of an adjustment, it may not be such a bad thing. The virtual switch allows for a broader and more global audience and provides a much more economical option than your traditional conference. Previously, budget and schedule limitations could have only allowed for you to attend only 1-2 conferences per year, however now you may be able to attend all of them from the comfort of your own home!
Because business and networking doesn’t stop despite a global pandemic, we have pulled together 10 virtual healthcare conferences and webinars being held this summer so you can continue making connections and expanding your healthcare knowledge.
Going Digital: Behavioral Health Tech
June 17, 2020
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM CT
Free Registration
This virtual forum is not only a showcase of the changing technological and policy landscape for telehealth and other virtual health solutions, but also includes opportunities to network with other attendees. Registration is free and all proceeds will go to the National Council for Behavioral Health’s COVID-19 Relief fund for mental health and substance use providers on the frontlines.
AI in Healthcare Hackathon Webinar
June 24, 2020
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
Free Registration
Artificial Intelligence is becoming more prominent in the healthcare sector each day. This webinar will attempt to demystify AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and the potential that these solutions have in the Healthcare industry. Topics covered in the presentation include AI in Healthcare, Medtech app, Medtech wearable, Smart Virtual Hospital, AI in Pharmaceutical industry, Nursing AI, Biotech AI, and emerging markets.
Population Health in Rural America in 2020
June 24-25, 2020
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM CT
Free Registration
Experts from across the nation are coming together to share their expertise and discuss public health, health care, and community efforts addressing Population Health in Rural America. The workshop will be recorded and posted on the workshop webpage.
FEMTECH FORUM 2020 – The first global virtual conference about FemTech
June 25, 2020
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM BST*
*Times are in British Standard Time, however all sessions will be recorded and available to watch at a later date, should you choose to register.
The Femtech Forum is a celebration of innovation in women’s health, spotlighting tech-powered solutions and products that are disrupting the market and changing our everyday lives for the better. At this virtual forum you will learn from some of the most inspiring founders, innovators, investors, and influencers in FemTech. The conference covers a wide range of topics, including fertility, sexual help, designing products for modern women, and the gender gap in medical research.
The Significance of Mental Health in Early Childhood Webinar
June 25, 2020
10:00AM – 11:00AM CT
Free Registration
All Our Kids Early Childhood Network has partnered with Sertoma Centre to host a webinar discussing the significance of mental health in early childhood. Approximately 18% of youth are experiencing mental health challenges, with some of the illnesses developing in early childhood. This webinar will identify common mental health challenges experienced by youth and explore the difference between typical development and an indication that a child might be struggling. Space is limited.
“The Talk” and COVID-19: The Influence of Racism and Racial Socialization in a Global Pandemic
June 27, 2020
11:00AM – 1:00PM CT
Free Registration*
For black youth and adults, prolonged exposure to racial discrimination has resulted in debilitating psychological, behavioral, and health outcomes. During the COVID-19 global pandemic, the heightened attention to racism plaguing Black communities through virus transmission, treatment, and mortality has both heightened the need for and changed the content of racial socialization. This symposium will explore theories and practices important in the healing processes of racial trauma for participants, clinicians, and researchers alike, especially in times of exceptional stress. *Free spots are limited.
Lives in the Balance: A COVID-19 Summit for the Health and Well-Being of Women, Children and Adolescents |12:00pm-05:00pm GMT
July 1- July 2, 2020
7:00AM – 12:00pm CT
Free Registration
The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH) and CORE Group are co-hosting “Lives in Balance: A COVID-19 Summit for the Health and Well-Being of Women, Children, and Adolescents. Past pandemics have shown that too often women, children, adolescents, and the most vulnerable are excluded from decision making processes and implementations. However, they are often bearing the brunt of the impact. This conference will cover the strains and secondary effects of COVID-19 on health systems and social and political structures in many countries.
The Wellness & Wisdom Global Virtual Summit
July 2, 2020
10:00AM – 5:00PM CT
Free Registration
Founder Pamela Bolado’s vision for providing a platform for Women of the Military became her passion. However, due to COVID-19, Pamel has shifted her vision to include all women holding down their forts. The Wellness & Wisdom Global Virtual Summit unites female leaders, philanthropists and influencers to set the stage for global connection and empowerment for all women. The summit will incorporate nutrition and healthy living, but also focus on relationships, mental health, and professional mindset.
Black Health Matters Virtual Summit
July 18, 2020
7:30 AM – 5:00 PM CT
Free Registration
The 4th Black Health Matters Summit will showcase world class health leaders who engage with the community in intimate roundtables and workshops on the latest trends and innovation in African American health. The Black Health Matters Virtual Summit was created for African American families committed to living their healthiest life by educating themselves. With knowledge comes understanding and with understanding, action!
CBD and Medical Cannabis: What You Need to Know with Dr. Dani Gordon
July 23, 2020
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM CT
Free Registration
Physician Dani Gordon is the world’s foremost authority on medical cannabis. An advisor to the British government, the UN, and the international medical community, she joins How To Academy to cut through the hype, dispel the myths, and provide the most up-to-date evidence on the use of CBD for anxiety, depression, insomnia, joint pain and other health concerns. Join for reassuring, science-based advice that will give you the confidence and the information to heal yourself with the power of the cannabis plant.