Applying for an early-stage investment from Jumpstart Foundry? Awesome! We’re glad you’re here.
We have 5 ways to help make your application the most successful:
Have a passionate, full-time founder (2+ preferred) and round out the team’s skill set with 1-3 core members.
Data, data, data. Present product validation and early traction through statistics.
Be you! Utilize the video section of the application to show your personality and help us understand why your company is worth investing in.
Do your research. Bringing on a new investor is an important step in the growth of your company. We expect to form a long-term partnership with our founders. Given this time commitment, we don’t make investments flippantly and you shouldn’t take an investment without learning as much as possible about the investor.
Be thoughtful. We can tell when applications are rushed through.
I’m ready to apply!
At Jumpstart, we don’t just write checks; we’re strategic partners invested in working together to grow your company.
“If this is your first time raising money… the earlier the investment stage the more you should think of them as partner versus buyers of stock”
— Chris Dixon, General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz